GOP Lady Michele Bachmann Encroaches On Her Bro Gary Amble's Meteorology Turf Regarding Hurricane Irene's Cause!!!

Speaking of Kansas City conflicts we all knew were coming . . .

When it was first reported that GOP Congresswoman and Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann and KCTV5 Meteorologist were siblings . . . People tried to have an open mind.


The latest GOP utterance that's pissing off the East Coast:

GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann says Hurricane Irene and last week's earthquake are messages from God to warn politicians to start heeding divine guidance.

Here's the direct line: "I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians," the third-term congresswoman from Minnesota said. "We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?'"

Of course this is no reflection on Amble's weather goodness . . . Just an observation that the love of science is not often inherited among siblings.

And all this as I offer up my questions about half the weather ladies in this town being pregnant and horribly distracting for the past five years.


  1. Tony, are you just learning that the tea party can predict the weather?

    God tells them.

  2. Interesting. Any take on Gore comparing global warming skeptics as this generations racists or do you only hold one side accountable for stupidity?

  3. Today the weather is perfect!!!

    Vote for Hitler!!!

  4. Nice day today...but it isn't over. Plenty of time for your stupid nigger president to fuck it up!

  5. You obviously missed the part about this being a humorous tone. The President of 57 States constantly says/does idiotic stuff, so I don't think it's fair to ridicule a decent person for adding a little humor to her speech.

  6. Is it a coincidence that Bachmann and Glenn Beck have recently both said the same thing, almost word for word. WTF? Are these talking points?

  7. 3:04, I think there is a stupid Nigger pretending to be the president fucking your mom up the poop shoot right about now.

    you are a spineless racist with some female member of your family clearly being a nigger lover.

  8. Shirley Q. Licker8/29/11, 4:18 PM

    Oh 4:11, just so 3:04 doesn't have to bother...fuck you and your nigger loving ass!! You see, there are more of us than you can count.

  9. Palin/Bachmann 2012


  10. John S, the humor is that the Republican presidential candidates look and sound like a bunch of sideshow freaks. Un-electable, maniacal, sideshow freaks.

  11. What's not funny is that means we have another four years with our current president.

  12. Maybe God Was Warning Us8/29/11, 5:04 PM

    What if God was trying to warn us that the Republicans are offering a whole Crate of Crazy in the form of goof-ball presidential candidates who should never be let near "The Button?"

  13. Bachmann Is Ape Shit Crazy8/29/11, 5:12 PM

    The Miami Herald posted this as part of a Bachmann story at 4:50 PM Central time today:

    Bachmann spent a little time Monday clearing up a few statements, such as her line that the recent hurricane and earthquake were evidence of the fact that God is trying to “get the attention of the politicians…He said, ‘Are you going to start listening to me here?’”

    Bachmann on Monday said “it would be absurd and ridiculous to think” that she was pretending to know what God was thinking; she was just joking.

    “If you know me, you know that I am a person who loves humor. I have a great sense of humor. And I think it’s important to exhibit that humor sometimes when you’re talking to a person as well,” she said at Versailles after sipping Cuban coffee with her House colleague, Miami Rep. David Rivera. “I was being humorous when I said that because the American people have tried very hard to get the president’s attention. He is not listening. And that was really the message.”

    Also, Bachmann explained her comments on whether she supports oil-and-gas exploration in the Everglades.

    “Actually, what I have spoken about is the fact that God has so blessed the United States with natural energy resources. I haven’t said specifically that we should be accessing energy there,” she said.

    “The American people are saying: Let’s access this wonderful treasure trove of energy that God has given to us in this country. Let’s access it responsibly. That’s the answer. If we can access energy responsibly, we do it. If we can’t, we don’t. It’s that simple.”

    Bachmann was rewarded with “drill baby drill!” crowd calls.

    Read more:

  14. Nothwithstanding politics, the middle age Republican women are sure better looking than their Democratic counterparts. Not even close.

  15. I feel sorry for Gary8/29/11, 5:18 PM

    Gary's career has been trashed by somewhat busty and overly brash women who lack a certain level of common sense: Sister Michele and Katie "Put the Football Helmuts on the Kids" Horner.

  16. She has my vote. Nobama 2012

  17. A batshit crazy nation calls for batshit crazy leadership..
    Perry/Bachmann may be just the duo to finally put this county out of it's misery.
    Then maybe we can start to build something new.

  18. Deomocrats hate good looking women The fat ugly Democrat women do not want their pushover pansy husbands to be reminded of what they don't have.

  19. I agree with 5:18. I hope Gary can survive having a batshit crazy sister. It isn't easy. I know. I have one, too.


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