Keeping (and settling the) Score

A couple of my favorite writers have recently left The Pitch so I have no qualms about insulting the corporate rag unmerciful(ly). The only way I see myself stopping is if a wad of unmarked bills and a nude photo of Jen Chen shows up on my doorstep.

Here’s the latest news in the corporate history of The Pitch in an article where local blogger/writer Joe from KC Soil served as the main source:
Nicholson Kovac PR person Sarah Tuttle sees both sides of the best-of coin.

“I think it’s a great marketing scheme,” she says. “I remember when I worked at the Phoenix last year. The owner ripped out all the (Pitch) entry forms and had us fill ’em out. And she gave them to customers and said, ‘Hey, put us down.’ ”

PR guy Will Gregory’s take on the best-of concept: “It’s great for the advertisers because it’s all about advertising. That’s how they make their money, because it’s packed with them.”
I guess that sums the journalistic philosophy at The Pitch nicely. Sadly, it seems as if the most anticipated Pitch issue of the year is nothing more than a collection of bored writing for chump change and product placement for the benefit of the home office.

Did you notice the PR hottie pictured in the Star story? Corporate life must be so sweet, I guess it has to be, because it guarantees eternal damnation at its end.

If you haven’t been following the corporate soap-opera at The Pitch here are a few links to get you up to speed:

Not much of an alternative

Picking on The Pitch


  1. when posting pics of nearly naked women please link to original =)

  2. My business has been approached for the last few years every time the 'Best of' edition is coming out. You see, if you are chosen as a 'Best of' you are offered premium advertising space so people can find you. You know, my business, to remain anonymous, has ignored these attempts to bring in our advertising dollars and we have yet to show up on a best of list. Hmmm.

  3. So you quoted one corporate media outlet while insulting another. I wonder which corporate media outlet you trust most?


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