Truman High Drama Teacher Confronted With Nasty Internets Police Investigation

This dude's face is splattered all over local news tonight wherein a malware virus reportedly sparked an investigation that's still underway . . . Here's what the local news is reporting tonight . . .

"A short time later Independence Police and the Jackson County Prosecutor's Office confirmed that Austin Meyer, listed as a drama teacher at Truman High School, has been charged with 11 counts of possession of child pornography.

"Court documents state district information technology staff received a malware virus notification on a school-issued laptop assigned to Meyer. When staff attempted to find the source of the malware they allegedly located 11 gigabytes of pornography downloaded to the device, with some explicit photos and videos appearing to be those of underaged females.

" 'We want to reassure you that there is no danger or threat to student safety, and there is no current evidence linking any ISD students to the allegations," a district spokesperson said in a statement to families."

Read more via link . . .

Truman High School drama teacher placed on leave, court documents show child porn found on school laptop

The Independence School District announced that a Truman High School teacher was placed on administrative leave due to a criminal investigation.
