Skeptics Doubt Missouri AG Will Be Able To Seize 24.5 BILLION From China

Credit where it's due . . . If he pulls it off . . . That cash could be a windfall of global significance but there's probably all kinds of diplomatic impediments that might prevent it.

Here are the basics and a link to more info . . . 

Missouri's attorney general is threatening to seize Chinese assets across the U.S. to collect $24.5 billion awarded in a lawsuit against China stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, but experts were skeptical Monday, with one saying, “Good luck with that.”

Read more via link . . .

Missouri plans to seize assets to make China pay $24.5B judgment. Can it collect?

Missouri's attorney general is threatening to seize Chinese assets across the U.S. to collect $24.5 billion awarded in a lawsuit against China stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.
