Show-Me Jackson County Changes Amid Property Tax Rebellion?!?

There are a couple of good ideas in this post that offers a summary of a crisis on the low-end . . .

In fact . . . 

Voting down all tax increases has taken hold in Eastern Jack but these right-wing thinkers offer even more routes to pushing back the rising cost of living imposed by the courthouse. 

Check the money line . . . 

"Voters and taxpayers need to demand reform. There is already an effort to change the law to elect the assessor, which seems like an obvious improvement. Another change that is needed is to end the tax-rate rollback exemption for the Kansas City School District. Despite its substantial increase in assessed values in 2023 (which is still being contested in court), the district voted once again to keep its tax rate the same. Every other taxing body in Missouri has to roll its tax rate back to at least partially offset assessment increases, but the Kansas City School District gets to enjoy its windfall on the backs of taxpayers. Finally, Jackson County could consider using variable property tax rates, as St. Louis County does, to allow for greater ability to adjust rates by property type in response to future changes.

"Other changes would be easier and don’t require amending the law. Why the Jackson County assessor still has her job after all this mismanagement is a mystery . . ."

Read more via link . . .

Show-Me Blog: Jackson County Assessment Disputes Will (Hopefully) Lead to Real Change This Time
