Salty Iguana Decides To Permanently Close After Tax Shutdown

Following a recent Kansas tax shut down . . . This social media message hit local phones about an hour ago and brings us news of the inevitable . . .

"It is with heavy hearts that we make the very difficult decision to permanently (close) Salty Iguana. This Tuesday was our last day of business at the Independence location & we will not reopen our Prairie Village & Lawrence restaurants.

"After being in business for more than 30 years, we are so grateful to our amazing customers & staff that made Salty Iguana feel like home. We made so many happy memories, from beating the Guinness record for World’s Largest Nacho to hosting KU Hawk Talk, all while serving your Salty favorites."

Read more via link . . .

Salty Ignuana: We have loved being a part of the Kansas City & Lawrence communities!

Developing . . .
