Resident: Westwood Park Park Battle Betrays Earlier Compromise

This quote backs up what a few residents have told us about an upcoming vote . . . A suburban city hall ALLEGEDLY ignored community meetings and a plan that could've avoided this showdown.

Here's the word . . . 

On April 1, voters will decide on the park’s future.

A yes vote will allow the city to sell the park to a commercial developer.

Those against the development near 50th Street and Rainbow Blvd. argue the proposed development will harm Westwood’s character.

“Groups of people who are fighting now [at one time] sat down at a table together and talked out what we want for the city and this specific area,” said Westwood resident Beth S. “The city has renderings, somewhere stuck in a closet, I guess, about what we wanted to see here. Nobody, not one person, said they wanted an office complex. What happened? Why?”

Read more via link . . .

'Vote no:' Westwood residents fight to keep Joe D. Dennis Park

Residents will vote in April to decide if they want to keep Joe D. Dennis Park in Westwood.
