Progressive 'Choose Your Fighter' Cringe Earns Well-Deserved Mockery

Okay . . .

When even the most progressive talk show host on TV is scoring points of this silly stunt. It's probably a very good sign that "TDS" has incapacitated a significant contingent of American elected officials. 

Here's the word . . .

Kimmel was also chagrined over the Democrat’s silly attempt to look cool and tough in the face of Trump’s amazing first few months in office . . .

“What is that supposed to do besides embarrass everyone involved with it,” he snipped.

Credit to an AWESOME TKC READER for their local takeaway . . .

"Ironically, my Congresswoman, Sharice Davids who was an MMA fighter, is not in the video."

Read more via link . . .

Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Democrats' Pathetic 'Choose Your Fighter' Video & Sad Protests

ABC late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel revealed his impatience with the Democrats and mocked their pathetic attempts to reply to the Trump juggernaut as the president steamrolls them in his first three months on office.
