Pete Mundo Unpacks Racially-Charged Debate Over Suspended Brian Platt

We admire talker Pete Mundo for bravely tackling 12th & Oak politics and so many unspoken deets of the conversation regarding the fate of the city manager.

However . . .

Our blog is about moving BEYOND BLACK & WHITE and talking about power.

We don't really dispute anything Pete Mundo said but we want to share more context . . .

- The lawsuit by Black women against Platt also claims discrimination and will probably the be the biggest factor in his potential dismissal . . . Nobody really cares about Chris Hernandez and his discrimination case is more convenient than consequential to the impending dismissal of Platt. 

- But again . . . This isn't just a black and white issue. Remember: The insider by move from City Manager Brian Platt that most close city hall watchers have HOTLY CONTESTED has always been the appointment of Michael Shaw as the head of Public Works despite the potential for conflicts with his wife, 5th District Council Lady Ryana Parks-Shaw. With this move, many contend that Platt smartly leveraged connections the Black community to diffuse critics early in his tenure.

- There's a lot more to unpack about his KC career but another big criticism has been City Manager Platt pushing forward goofy ideas from Mayor Q's administration. The best example . . . The solar array vaporware that will NEVER materialize if they boot the city manager.

- And of course, our blog has led the conversation by noting that the ultimate goal here by activists & East side politicos is to remove Platt in favor of KCMO achieving "history" by way of appointing the first Black female city manager. 

Again . . .

We want to remain objective about all of this but here's what we want readers to understand . . .

The debate over the fate of Brian Platt isn't simply a Black vs. White issue but, more accurately, how the delicate topic of racism and discrimination is LEVERAGED by "many sides" in order to accomplish political goals and garner power.

Translation . . . Don't strain looking for a good guy . . . There aren't any at 12th & Oak. 

Read more via link . . .
