Mary Sanchez: Kansas City Schools Prep For MAGA Mass Deportations?!?

Maybe . . . 

We're pretty sure the midterm season is going to be pretty interesting with more than our fair share of posturing from "many sides" of the equation . . . 

During Prez Trump's comeback campaign, MAGA supporters said they wouldn't target schools . . . But people say a lot of things before they get elected and anybody who trusts elected officials needs their head examined . . . Especially (and objectively) given that voters overwhelmingly approve the current MAGA deportation trend and it has proven to be an EXCEPTIONALLY successful wedge issue for Republicans.

For now here's a look at KC's 2nd favorite Latina laying the groundwork . . . Check-it . . .

Kansas City area school districts are responding, training teachers and staff on protocols in case immigration agents try to enter a school and sending notices to parents.

“Not every school district, not every charter school, not every private school, has addressed the issue,” said Christy J. Moreno with RevoluciĆ³n Educativa, a Kansas City nonprofit advocating for Latinos’ educational success.

Parents in some local schools have had their fears calmed through district communication.

Read more via link . . .

MOIndie: Kansas City schools look to Supreme Court ruling to protect undocumented students from ICE
