KCFD Reports Management Team Abandoned Property Amid Cloverleaf Shutdown

And here's the aftermath of a rough episode in local housing hardship . . .

Read these reports closely and notice the fire inspector declared the property "unlivable" during the final clearing. 

Check-it . . . 

“Wednesday February 26th while attempting to conduct an annual inspection of the Cloverleaf Apartments located at 14554 US-71 Hwy, Kansas City, MO. The Kansas City Fire Department learned that there was no longer a property management team in place. Multiple fire violations were found in all of the buildings along with deplorable and unsustainable living conditions.

"Appropriate leadership within the fire department and the city was notified along with members of Leumas, an agency operating on behalf of HUD. A decision was made to shut the complex down and tenants were given 48 hours, Friday 5:00 p.m., to be relocated. Tenants were given Saturday and Sunday to continue to move household items.

"Leumas/HUD had 76 individuals on their list of legal tenants and worked to relocate them to temporary and in some cases permanent housing. Other individuals staying at the property either legally or illegally were provided with resources through the city to relocate. Many chose to relocate on their own.

"This morning, Monday, March 3rd, Members of the Kansas City Police Department did a building-by-building sweep of the property to ensure every unit, and every building was empty. At which time, a contractor provided by the city began boarding up each building. All utilities to the property have been shut off and the property is considered closed and uninhabitable."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .

KCFD announces Cloverleaf tenant evacuation is complete

"The unfortunate and tragic situation the residents found themselves living in was no fault of their own, but that of a negligent property owner."

KCFD: Cloverleaf Apartments shutting down an 'unfortunate, tragic situation'

The fire department stated that all of the buildings at the complex had multiple fire code violations, and deplorable and unsustainable living conditions.
