Kansas Suspect 86 With Youngster In Backseat During I-70 Arrest

We share a local dose of reality and desperation on Kansas City metro streets by way of this aftermath report . . . Here's the word:

While on the side of the road, it was reported SUSPECT did not listen to the demands of KHP troopers and refused to leave the car. He then took out a gun and shot himself.

KBI said, "[SUSPECT] fired one round, which resulted in a self-inflicted head wound. No law enforcement personnel discharged any firearms during the incident."

While on the scene, troopers were said to have attempted to perform life-saving measures until emergency responders arrived. However, just before 3:45 p.m., SUSPECT was pronounced dead . . . According to KBI agents, a child had been in the back seat of SUSPECT's vehicle at the time of the shooting. They were not injured in the incident and were taken out of the car safely before being reunited with family members at the Kansas City, Kansas Police Department.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Fox5: Man shoots himself while being arrested by Kansas troopers on I-70: KBI

Developing . . .
