Kansas Sen. Marshall Tense Town Hall: How Seriously Should We Take Protest!??

We learned two things from another protest against a Heartland elected official . . .

Senator Marshall isn't really great at addressing criticism.

And . . .

Republicans have answered a wave of recent town hall criticism by discounting protest as agitprop and part of a coordinated effort. 

Our perspective . . .


Most of them identified themselves as Kansas residents and they deserve as much say as any other voter in the constituency of the exceptionally testy Senator. 

Agree or disagree . . . We're gonna two takes on the event . . . One that is sympathetic and the other from more progressive media . . . We'll start with two quotes and then links to more info . . .

“A lot of folks have traveled a long way to be here. This is really Oakley’s town hall I’m going to try to focus on their questions.” said Marshall.

He got a varied response. Some can be heard saying thank you, others saying he represents the whole state.

“I’m going to say this one time. If you all keep cutting me off, if you’re rude, which you’re being, I’m going to leave.  The people from Oakley don’t deserve this,” said Marshall. “If you’re going to keep interrupting me, we’re not going to do this. If you have a question you can write them down and turn them in, my staff will get them all.”  

Here's another take . . . 

Marshall, who is no stranger to being insulted during his public appearances, was reported by Heartland Signal to have "ended his constituent town hall early" on Saturday "after being pressed about DOGE firing veterans."

Democratic strategist Matt McDermott characterized the scene as the lawmaker "standing up and leaving his own town hall meeting today after being asked why Republicans think it’s acceptable for DOGE to be firing Veterans."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Senator Roger Marshall booed at Northwest Kansas town hall

OAKLEY, Kansas (KSNW) - A town hall meeting hosted by Senator Roger Marshall in rural northwest Kansas Saturday morning included questions and answers, shouting, applause, boos and Senator Marshall leaving the event early. The meeting, at the Logan County Hospital in Oakley, started at 9 a.m. and lasted around 40 minutes.

Watch: 'Angry scene' as GOP senator booed for fleeing town hall early in 'blood-red' state

Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) was called a coward as he departed the stage at a town hall over the weekend where he was asked about how federal cuts are harming veterans. Marshall, who is no stranger to being insulted during his public appearances, was reported by Heartland Signal to have "ended hi...

Developing . . .
