Kansas Council Lady Snubs Sen. Marshall During Photo-Op

Here's the political grimace amid some notable low-key Kansas opposition . . .

"The Wichita City Council spent most of the week on its annual trip to Washington, D.C., where members participate in a National League of Cities conference and ritual glad-handing with our representatives and senators on Capitol Hill.

"But the grip-and-grin photo op featuring the Wichita City Council posing with U.S. Sen. Roger Marshall was more like a grip-and-grimace for council member Maggie Ballard. Ballard practiced some, shall we say, “social distancing” from the pro-MAGA senator, who recently starred in a viral video where he stalked out of his own town hall meeting in Northwest Nowhere Kansas, when the crowd got a little testy over the Trump administration’s ongoing dismantlement of the federal government."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Maggie Ballard goes to Washington and cold-shoulders MAGA Sen. Roger Marshall in photo op | Opinion

Hilarity ensues when Wichita City Hall posts awkward photo of council members and MAGA senator posing together at D.C. gathering.
