Kansas City Suffers Head Start Shutdown

Today's rough news for parents amid the current age of austerity . . . Here are the deets . . .

Head Start parents and staff were notified by letter that the YMCA of Greater Kansas City, which operates the Head Start programs at Columbus Park, Park Hill, Northland and Thomas Roque centers, will be shuttering those centers in May.

In a letter to families dated March 20, the YMCA stated:

“...despite years of dedicated effort to recruit and retain qualified staff in an increasingly difficult workforce environment, the Y has made the difficult choice to transition out of the program...”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Four Head Start programs to close in May, affecting over 300 children and staff

The YMCA of Greater Kansas City will shut down four Head Start centers in May, impacting 301 children and dozens of staff.
