Kansas City Star Seyz MAGA Hurts Science

Spoiler alert . . . Brit insta-model Mel D is more important than this conversation.

However . . . This is a mostly news blog and that demands that we share a recent treatise from the newspaper based on better writing elsewhere . . . Here's the not so stunning conclusion . . .

"The U.S. is actively repelling its brightest minds — particularly in biomedical research, climate science and technology. Kansas City is at the heart of a brain drain, with Trump’s cuts driving out top scientists and crippling research institutions."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Trump's scientist purge is a brain drain on Kansas City - and a gift to other nations | Opinion

Our region is at the heart of Donald Trump and Elon Musk's reckless cuts at the USDA, NOAA, NIH and more. | Opinion

The premise for this screed . . .

Trump's scientist purge is a brain drain on the US - and a gift to other nations | Opinion

As the president and Elon Musk gut institutions and fire experts, Europe sees a chance to rebalance the scales. | Opinion

You decide . . .
