Kansas City Star Defends Xavier Worthy After Arrest & Dismissed Charges

Given so much off-season trouble surrounding Super Bowl ballers in recent years . . . This high horse column kinda misses the mark . . . 

In fact self-righteous indignation over reporting seems silly and demands silence form the public when, if fact, most news content was fair and merely documented the facts of the situation nearly in real time.

However . . .

Here's the newspaper attempting to profit from the dwindling supply of white guilt that still exists in American culture . . . 

Worthy was arrested Friday, a month after the conclusion of his rookie season with the Kansas City Chiefs, and booked into jail on suspicion of assault of a family member by impeding breathing/circulation, a third-degree felony.

But after “further investigation by the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office” and “further discussion with a third-party witness,” the district attorney’s office declined the case a day later, that office told the Austin American-Statesman in a statement.

It’s how the process is designed to work.

If only we could all let it play out.

There is no process publicly anymore, no presumption of innocence, no patience to wait before turning to a game of one-upmanship: Who can best phrase their conclusions in 280 characters?

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .

Xavier Worthy deserved the presumption of innocence. The guilt is for the rest of us

Kansas City Chiefs NFL rookie WR Xavier Worthy was arrested, but then not charged, on an assault allegation in Williamson County, Texas.

Chiefs' Xavier Worthy Posts Two-Word Message After News of Arrest

The Kansas City wide receiver was arrested in Williamson County, Texas Friday night.
