Kansas City School Board Candidates Consider Dept. Of Education MAGA Shutdown

Actually . . . This is a pretty good write-up and local politicos offer us a glimpse at the future.

Here's the word . . . 

KCPS as a district wouldn't comment on the gutting of the Department of Education, but both candidates in the Sub District 5 race, in the southeast portion of the district spoke before their election on April 8.

"It may or may not affect what students receive in terms of Pell Grants," candidate Bruce Beatty said in an interview with FOX4 Friday. "Still, it's very early in the process. We just don't know what's going to happen there yet."

Beatty will be going up against Brittany Foley in their KCPS school board race. Either person will be replacing current board member Kandace Buckner.

"I think it's going to be going that way to those in Jefferson City are going to have a say on what's going on in Kansas City Public Schools," Foley said Friday, talking about the states taking over the federal money for education.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Fox4: KCPS board candidates react to Education Department shutdown
