Kansas City Saturday Tesla Protest Garners Crowd Of 200

Actually . . . We're kind of surprised they garnered a notable turnout given recent "suspicious" fires at this dealership.

Today's protest claiming attendance of 200 was totally peaceful and mostly comprised of middle-class white housewives with a smattering of progressively strident millennials. 

We're sharing an extended livestream and their mission statement so TKC readers can decide for themselves . . .

"The ongoing peaceful protest outside the Tesla KC dealership has continued to draw attention, particularly after the recent incident involving a Cybertruck catching fire in Kansas City. While the protest remains nonviolent, the fire adds fuel to concerns about Tesla's vehicles, including questions about their safety and reliability. This incident, coupled with the protest, has sparked more conversation about Tesla's presence in the area and its impact on the community."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
