Kansas City Politicos Losing Public Safety Tax Debate Against Activists?!?

It certainly looks that way when watching public meetings and social media.

However, this is the only thing we know for certain right now . . .


Accordingly, here's another peek at local politicos losing an argument in public . . .

On the pro side of the quarter-cent public safety sales tax issue that voters will decide April 8, Hazley and new Jackson County Prosecutor Melesa Johnson told the audience that Kansas City needs a detention center for crimes that don’t rise to state prosecution which would land offenders in county jail.

They mentioned thefts under $750, assaults without a weapon, some drug charges, bar fights and automobile “sideshows.” Often, these are repeat offenders.”

“They are fully aware we don’t have a detention center,” Johnson said.

The con side was represented by Amaia Cook, executive director of Decarcerate KC, and Vernon Howard, president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference of Greater Kansas City.

They argued that the minor offenses that would cause people to land in city jail are more about poverty, mental health, substance abuse and lack of jobs. Nothing in the proposed tax addresses these larger societal issues, they said.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Debate over city jail becomes contentious

Proposed quarter-cent public safety sales tax would fund building a municipal detention center
