Kansas City Metro Crime Spree Crosses State Line Into Westwood

Recent small biz break-ins persist around the metro and this time around local crooks are crossing into a quaint Kansas Village . . . Here's a glimpse at the damage and even more small biz frustration:

This time, however, the crimes happened on the Kansas side of the stateline, in the small community of Westwood. Sadly, this is becoming an all too familiar sight around the metro - the broken windows and shattered glass on the ground.

But, this is the first time the crimes have happened in this Westwood business district.

“We kind of want to be a place where people can come and feel like they’re entering a different world,” said Max Ledom, owner of Mulligan’s Country Club . . .

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

New golf shop among local businesses rocked by Westwood burglaries

Four local businesses were hit with burglaries in one night, among them a new golf shop - in what is becoming a recurring theme in Kansas City.
