Kansas City Activists Allege 'Colonialism' Amid Urban Farm Fight

Tonight we'd like to share something truly disgusting with our readers and more evidence of worsening community relations in Kansas City's diverse urban core. 

The basics . . .


We're not going to litigate this dispute because it's boring. 

Suffice it to say . . .

After costly months of fighting city hall, Urbavore was able to carve out a tenuous path to survival. 

What we learned during the dispute is that some council members viewed their opposition votes against the urban farm as part of a racially-charged claim on 3rd District land . . . Which isn't just illegal but also a politicized fringe opinion that most neighbors DO NOT share. 

In fact . . . 

Urbavore Urban Farm has been a BLESSING for the 3rd District, they provide jobs, green space and investment that's DESPERATELY needed on the East side.

Tragically . . .

What we noticed during this fight is that many political leaders were outright hostile to the operation and used racially charged language in order to push through favors to private biz. 

Because TKC is practical about local politics, we might not like it but we "get" that the work of an urban council member can be ugly and some unsavory favors are required to stay in office.

However . . . 

It's a bit different when a "journalist" celebrated by local mainstream media is making irresponsible and racially hostile claims against a local small biz. 

Let's not forget that the Kansas City Star touted a "freedom school" from this group last week. 

And so . . .

It's our opinion that this kind of racially-hostile discourse needs to be called out for what it is and our local progressive friends who consider themselves "journalists" should realize the kind of outright hatred that they're promoting. 

Full disclosure . . .  We're certain that Pete Mundo probably gets some complaints about all of our dumb fart jokes and love/dedication to hottie lingerie models when he invites us for a chat from time to time. 

But I digress . . .

Here's the nasty from the KC Defender blog . . . 

So why was Urbavore Farm pursuing an MPD in the first place?

Because securing an MPD would have solidified Urbavore’s long-term control over land in Brown Estates, a heavily-Black populated neighborhood in Kansas City’s 3rd District. This is where colonialism and the legacy of regenerative agriculture come into play.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Urbavore's "Save The Farm" Campaign was Nothing More Than Performative Activism - The Kansas City Defender

For nearly two years, Urbavore's pursued control over land in a historically Black neighborhood but their self-serving and manipulative tactics contribute to a larger conversation about race, power dynamics, and urban agriculture in Kansas City.
