In the coming days a Satanic "Black Mass" near the state capitol building in Kansas threatens the sensibilities and beliefs of Christians throughout the Heartland and the nation.
Even worse . . .
A slew of vandalism and attacks on Catholic churches in Kansas and across the U.S. has inspired claims of persecution.
To wit . . .
For what it's worth . . .
It's important to note that Satanists organizing the "Black Mass" haven't been accused of any wrongdoing or vandalism. In fact, their mission has been 100% peaceful and anybody who bothers to read their lit might understand that, at least in theory, they don't really believe in "Satan" and merely serve as provocateurs hoping to instigate a reaction and satirize the moral panic that their name often inspires . . . Sure, their tactics seemed to have "worked" but only because this story is more interesting than everyone pretending to understand trade war economics.
Again . . . To be fair to fellow believers . . . For quite some time anti-abortion protesters and faith-based leaders have felt the they were forsaken by the Biden White House and that they were unfairly targeted by authorities . . .
A recent acknowledgement by the White House now demonstrates that times have, once again, changed:
President Trump recently offered a hopeful glimpse into the treatment Catholics can expect in his America when he pledged to investigate the attack on St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Wichita, Kansas, that left a Satanic website address scrawled on the wall.
“I think it’s a terrible thing,” Trump said, when asked about the attack. “I am going to take a look at it.”
This promise – in addition to the administration’s new “Anti-Christian Weaponization Task Force,” – have officially put the cowardly extremists responsible for nearly 500 attacks on Catholic Churches across America since 2020 on notice.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Breitbart: Trump Promises to Investigate Satanic Attack on Catholic Church in KansasFox News: Satanic group defies Kansas officials, plans 'black mass' at state Capitol
CJ Online: 'Affront to all Christians': Kansas House denounces satanic 'black mass'
Developing . . .
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