Kansas AG Kobach Supports Voting On State Supreme Court Judges

Perspective from the top lawman in the Sunflower State and then a report that offers an overview of the sitch . . . Here's the word . . .

Kobach issues statement on Kansas House passing judicial selection reform constitutional amendment

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach issued the following statement upon the adoption by the Kansas House of a constitutional amendment that would allow voters to directly elect Kansas Supreme Court Justices:

“Today marks an historic turning point in Kansas. Voters will now get to decide whether to reclaim the right to vote for justices, which they enjoyed from statehood until 1958. Polling shows that Kansans overwhelmingly prefer voting on Supreme Court Justices to the status quo. Seventy-four percent support the direct election of Supreme Court Justices, while only 20% like the current attorney-controlled system.”


Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansans to vote on constitutional amendment to directly elect state Supreme Court

Voters would need to approve changes to the Kansas Constitution allowing the direct election of Supreme Court Justices in an election in August 2026.
