Justice Horn Launches Another UMKC Student Council Run

Right now we notice what might be move backward for the rising star Kansas City activist via this note that came our way . . .

"Can you please do a piece on how Justice Horn is running for UMKC student council again? He was first student president in 2019… 7 elections ago 🤣"

Actually . . . We only mentioned this one for #TBT and because we graduated from the same city college.  

From time to time we grab a headline or two from the Roo News for old time's sake but that's about it. Student council elections are for college reporters and not really our bag . . . In the meantime, we think THIS WILL PROBABLY WORK AGAINST THE ACTIVIST if he plans to run for the Jackson County Legislature (again) any time soon.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com screencap . . .
