Johnson County Faith Leaders Keep Pushing For Affordable Housing Trust Fund

Like it or not . . . There's not much traction for this local effort hopes broke-ass voters are compassionate with taxpayer cash . . . Check-it . . .

Faith leaders continued their campaign for an affordable housing trust fund.

“It’s heartbreaking,” Good Faith Network co-president Cheryl Jefferson Bell said. “The majority of folks that are working in our county can’t afford to live here.”

Good Faith Network is an interfaith group that works to solve issues like affordable housing and homelessness.

“We surely can afford to do whatever it is that we can do to help folks that are needing affordable housing to acquire that,” Jefferson Bell said.

Cities like Kansas City and Lawrence have funds they use to support development and revitalization.

Johnson County has talked about a potential fund for years.

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Johnson County faith leaders push for housing trust fund

County leaders and the faith community want to solve the housing crisis in Johnson County but haven't aligned on the best way to do it.
