Jasper's Forced To Clean Up South Side Kansas City Dump

This afternoon we look at the cost of doing biz on the south side of Kansas City 

For those who don't know . . . Jasper's is a beloved upscale Kansas City restaurant that's still accessible to neighbors and families . . . Actually, Jasper's is a local institution.

Earlier today popular local chef Jasper Mirabile was forced to take to social media in frustration whilst looking at dumping ground right outside of his window . . .

"Usually one of the most beautiful views in Kansas City of Indian Creek down in Watts Mill. And there's nothing I can do about this."

He tagged his council members Andrea Bough & Johnathan Duncan and even put Mayor Q on notice.

In the end, workers were forced to deal with the situation themselves rather than let local blight ruin the experience for customers . . . 

UPDATE . . . We notice Jasper just took the post down but we're still gonna share this report and then push it down the page later tonight because the issue of illegal dumping continues to confront all corners of Kansas City and the problem he's talking about has been a longstanding 6th District complaint.

Now . . . 

Here's the word from Mr. Mirabile and a link to this all-too-common problem he confronted today . . .  

"I have been quiet for over two years about the issues down in the park and on the trail, but this is getting ridiculous. Please let our councilman know about this because they do not listen to us. All we do is pay taxes and bring more revenue in for the city. And this is only a margin of what we put up with down here. But when we say something we are wrong."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Jasper Mirabile: My devoted employees cleaned this up. What a slap in the face from the City of Kansas Kansas City.
