Hickman Mills Confronts Missouri Audit After Latest Accreditation FAIL

Two things worth considering tonight . . . 

Bad news piles up for this embattled school district as earlier this year accreditation dreams of the district were squashed in a humiliating rejection. 

And now . . .

Legit questions about expenditures merit a closer look by a statewide politico . . . Here's the word: 

"The investigation comes after a whistleblower complaint that a news release from the auditor's office stated raised concerns about travel expenditures paid for with a school credit card that may not be an appropriate use of school funds."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Missouri State Auditor announces investigation into Hickman Mills School District

Missouri State Auditor Scott Fitzpatrick announced Wednesday he will begin an investigation "into certain elements of the operational and fiscal management of the Hickman Mills School District."
