Here's How Kansas City Wants To Refinance Money Losing T-Mobile Center

Let's not forget . . . 

KC voters were promised a pro-basketball or pro-hockey team in this place almost twenty years ago.

Now . . . As the place ages we realize it was never built for concerts and takes up a very big slice of the local budget . . . LIBERATED from a local paywall . . . Here's a peek at how to lessen the damage: 

"An ordinance scheduled for the City Council's review on Thursday would authorize a special obligation bond series to refinance approximately $137 million in debt remaining from $233.2 million in original bonds issued in 2005 and 2006 for construction of the multipurpose downtown arena.

"The proposed move, called refunding, would yield about $600,000 in savings annually, or more than $9 million over 15 years, according to a Tuesday presentation to the city's Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee."

Read more via link . . .

KC wants to refinance T-Mobile Center debt to unlock millions in savings - Kansas City Business Journal

KC is considering refinancing T-Mobile Center's debt, a move that could save a cumulative $9 million.
