EPIC Prices Push Roeland Park To Rethink Public Art Spending

Suburban developer frustration inspired this move against Golden Ghetto decorations that mostly play to the lowest common denominator . . . Take a peek courtesy of our 2nd favorite JoCo bloggers . . .

"After a developer investing in a key site in Roeland Park questioned a city policy that puts them on the hook for spending $800,000 on public art, the city tweaked its policy to be more accommodating.

"At the same time, Roeland Park is creating a public art master plan that will guide the city’s arts committee on future public art opportunities."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

JoCoPost: Roeland Park caps public art contributions after The Rocks developer was on the hook for chipping in $800,000

Developing . . .
