We advise local politicos to LISTEN CLOSELY to this interview . . .
Kansas City talker Pete Mundo does excellent work in giving council lady Robinson an opportunity to share her perspective about the fate of the city manager.
For now . . . She didn't have the votes to get rid of him.
However, even more interestingly, we notice a few inconsistencies that might merit more questions.
Mostly . . .
At around the 4:40 mark in the interview . . . Council lady notes that her objections to Brian Platt's hiring were "about the process" but in an e-mail sent our way . . . The objections were mostly predicated on racially charged concerns.
In fact . . .
Pete Mundo directly asks her: Should race be a determining factor in any of these hires.
To which she answers: "No, race should not be . . . I lean into a merit based system."
Again . . . Her comments to the Urban Summit and in e-mails sent to the Mayor speak to the exact OPPOSITE of that contention with the caveat that she also speaks of "representation" at city hall.
Update . . . There's a priceless quote at about 8:20 that only newsies will appreciate.
And yeah . . .
Win or lose there's a very good chance that we'll hear about this again in the next round of the ongoing debate over the survival of the CM.
For now . . . This interview is worth a listen . . .
"Councilwoman Melissa Robinson joined Pete Mundo to discuss why she wants Brian Platt OUT as City Manager."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Developing . . .