Creeper Guilty After Camera Found In North Kansas City Hospital Woman's Locker Room

We wanted to share this follow-up on a nasty story if only to remind everyone that whilst creepers often try to gain advantage by way of spy tech . . . This age of surveillance also works to help capture criminals in the act . . . Here's a quick recap quote from a recent report . . .

A charge nurse reported finding what she first thought was a black ink pen in the emergency department’s staff locker room. When she looked at it closer, she saw it had a camera lens that was pointed toward the toilet. Inside, the device contained a microSD card.

The documents note that only employees with ID cards can scan and enter the restricted area where the locker room is located.

When investigators reviewed the footage on the microSD card, they found two video files.

The first file showed an empty bathroom and someone’s hand moving the camera. The second showed a hand moving the device, and the reflection of a white man with “brownish hair and wearing a bluish green scrub top” in a bathroom mirror. Approximately ten minutes after that, a victim was recorded using the bathroom before the video suddenly stopped.

When investigators returned to the hospital, they were given surveillance footage from a camera in the hallway outside the staff locker room and a list of the keycard swipes made around the time the camera was placed.

Read more via link . . .

Former employee pleads guilty to putting camera in North Kansas City Hospital women's locker room

A former Kansas City hospital employee is facing prison time after he was caught leaving a camera disguised as a pen in a staff-only locker room.
