Here's the thing . . .
Unlike so many other GOP ladies . . . She won't be easily influenced by so many dumb ideas from Kansas GOP dudes who ALWAYS end up sinking the efforts of female candidates.
More to the point . . .
In her role as an elected official, Charlotte O'Hara is smart, tough and totally unlikable. And that kind of cantankerous honesty might be a saving grace in the current political epoch as the nation slides into recession and the political discourse erodes whilst we ALREADY slouch toward midterms.
Here are more deets from our 2nd favorite JoCo blog . . .
"Former Johnson County commissioner Charlotte O’Hara has announced she will run for the Republican nomination for Kansas governor.
"O’Hara, a conservative member of the Board of County Commissioners known for her skepticism of development tax incentives, diversity programs and COVID mitigation measures, announced her intentions informally as her term ended in January but made it official Monday via a news release."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
JoCo Post: Former JoCo commissioner Charlotte O’Hara announces bid for governor
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