One of our favorite conservative local authors was the amongst the most strident proponent of the "birther" theory which also included support from current Prez Trump.
Here's his take on documentation that will soon be offered to the American public . . . Check-it:
“I think there are things we could say more definitively about Zachary Taylor than we can about Barack Obama,” Kansas City author Jack Cashill tells The Heartlander.
Cashill, who has written 17 books of his own and ghostwritten twice as many, has researched and written about Obama as much or more than anyone else on the planet.
And yet, he admits, “Obama still is something of a mystery.”
Indeed, an online summary of Cashill’s 2011 book Deconstructing Obama writes of “deciphering Obama’s shrouded past, his fragile psyche, and his uniquely cryptic political life. … In fact, much of Obama’s life story appears to be a wholly constructed fabrication …”
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
We know so little about Barack Obama; what might they put in his presidential library?
Endless books with limitless details have been written about most U.S. presidents. Even our earliest leaders have been the subject of modern video biopics. We know where George Washington slept - in...
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