Without Federal Funding: Kansas City Sketchy South Loop Stays Losing

This week there was a great deal of hype and mainstream media promotion of this effort.

However, this quote from the Biz Journal deserves to be highlighted because it offers a better perspective . . . And a glimpse at long odds ahead . . .

According to environmental review materials, federal sources are expected to cover about $103.6 million of the park, with non-federal dollars covering the balance. The project so far has missed out on two federal grants through different U.S. Department of Transportation programs in recent years. 

President Donald Trump's administration has sought to curtail federal grant programs, which makes future funding for the park more murky. Administration officials recently said transportation grants should go to "communities with marriage and birth rates higher than the national average."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

KC Biz Journal: South Loop Park event sheds light on next steps in $217M park's timeline
