What Happens To KC Pet Project Donations Amid Shelter Takeover?!?

Kansas City is very generous to pet causes and this fact of lie has inspired our AWESOME TKC READERS to share a bit of Q&A regarding a recent animal control ruckus. 

The interrogatory is well deserved considering that the shelter was built by way of sketchy promises of private donations that were seemingly never achieved.

And so . . . Credit to our blog community for due diligence and this question:  

Will any donations made to KCPP stay with KCPP or go to the new shelter operator?

Here's the answer straight from the source . . .

"All donations made to KCPP will stay with KCPP and support the mission we have always had," a development assistant answered. 

And this begs the question . . .

"So if they are kicked out of running KCMO shelter what will they do?"

Our best guess is that WHATEVER they plan will involve even more donations and maybe even a bit of public funding.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

KCUR -- Kansas City unveils plan to take over animal control from KC Pet Project: 'More bang for the buck'

Developing . . .
