Show-Me SecState Hoskins Fact Checked Amid Library Showdown

Recently, a bit of public library signage inspired a quickie debate that Missouri voters might have missed. 

For those who don't know . . . And we don't blame you . . . Denny Hoskins recently won an election and now serves as the Missouri Secretary of State. 

We wouldn't dare question his authority or commitment . . . Remember that during the last election cycle he flexed on Jay Ashcroft in his trademark bright red blazer and effectively ended the dude's run for governor.  

Ashcroft handled it well . . . In similar circumstances TKC would have gone belly up like a meek chihuahua and begged for mercy with our cheeks (defiantly) on display for inspection or WHATEVER saves our skin . . . Full disclosure: TKC has done worse for less.

But I digress . . .

Whilst SecState Hoskins is maybe the most formidable man in Jeff City . . . There are some who might question him . . . And this is an important part of our Missouri discourse. 

And so . . . 

We wanted to share another recent exchange because it so PERFECTLY demonstrates that our Republican friends aren't always on the same page and even in super GOP majority Jeff City . . . There are disagreements and important points of order to be made . . .

With all that . . .

Check this call for a crackdown on what looks like the KC Plaza Library and then a very gentle rebuttal from a fellow Republican . . . 

First, SecState Hoskins writes . . . 

"This flyer is from a MO public library telling illegal immigrants “how to hide from @ICEgov.” Public libraries should not be helping illegal immigrants hide from @ICEgov. We will investigate & hold those responsible accountable. @Sec_Noem @GOP"

And then . . . 

The response from a fellow Republican stands out . . . Former GOP Rep. Tony Lovasco offers this worthwhile second guess before the library gets defunded . . .

"That appears to be a flyer from a private organization, not the library itself.

"From context it looks like it could be on a bulletin board of some type, which means it's quite likely something a patron just put up (probably on 2/5 based on the handwritten date)."

Meanwhile . . .

From our vantage, it's important to know that some Missouri leaders are SEEMINGLY ready to send bulletin boards to lock up if they get out of line and, like it or not, that speaks to the "mood" of red state Midwest life right now. 

Read more via screencap . . . 

Developing . . .
