The greatest cash crop boom in modern American history is still underway and politicos are quickly attempting to take a cut without killing growth.
Here's a taste on an ongoing discussion and maybe a better way to catch a buzz that's trending across the nation . . . Check-it . . .
Among the other proposals is the beer wholesalers’ legislation, sponsored by Republican state Rep. Barry Hovis of Whitewater, which lays out regulations only for hemp beverages. Like both the bills approved this week, it would also establish the same three-tier distribution system that the alcohol industry has long abided by.
“I’m against monopolies, always have been,” said Hovis at the Wednesday House committee meeting, “and I still think that with the unknown of what it’s going to cost an independent business has been selling stuff that’s legal under the farm bill already. It could be tripling, quadrupling…”
Under both bills approved this week, all retailers must get a license to sell the beverages. But a key difference is which state agency is tasked with issuing and regulating the licenses.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Bills adding regulations to hemp-derived THC beverages advance in Missouri legislature * Missouri Independent
Lawmakers aim to regulate intoxicating hemp beverages sold in store and bars, but prohibit sale of edibles outside of marijuana dispensaries.
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