Show-Me Lawsuit Challenging Discrimination Against White Dudes At Starbucks

Personal observation because TKC goes to Starbucks way too much . . .

In general, the white dudes working at Starbucks are either totally checked out and don't want to be there at all. OR they're VERY enthusiastic & friendly. 

On the bright side, we advise any dude against bothering lady baristas because it's best to drink coffee and not wear it. 

Either way . . . Here's the complaint that picks an easy target in ongoing culture war posturing . . .

The lawsuit states, “Whether described as ‘benign discrimination’ or ‘affirmative action,’ the racial quota is nonetheless a creator of castes, a two-edged sword that must demean one in order to prefer another.”

The lawsuit compares hiring goals to affirmative action in college admissions, referencing the 2023 court case in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the practice.

A Starbucks spokesperson disputed the allegations.

Read more via link . . .

Missouri Attorney General sues Starbucks, alleging hiring discrimination against white men

The lawsuit from Republican Andrew Bailey alleges that Starbucks setting goals for the representation of people of color and women in its workforce and leadership amounts to illegal discrimination.

Missouri sues Starbucks alleging race and sex discrimination - Missourinet

Missouri is taking Starbucks to court, alleging the coffeehouse chain is violating federal and state laws prohibiting race discrimination. Attorney General Andrew Bailey accuses Starbucks of using race-and-sex-based hiring practices, segregating employees, and providing exclusive training and employment benefits to select groups. In Bailey's lawsuit, he alleges with Starbucks' policies and hiring patterns, Missouri customers [...]

Developing . . .
