Let's start with our take . . .
No, waving Mexican flags in protest against MAGA mass deportations is counterproductive for a lot of reasons but mostly because it simply doesn't help win over supporters which, politically, is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than expressions of cultural pride.
Still . . .
It's worth pointing out the cultural hypocrisy inasmuch as so many conservatives don't get their panties in a bunch when this town is covered with the Irish flag for St. Paddy's Day. And don't tell us that getting drunk whilst holding a baby and punching your uncle at the Snake Saturday parade has a higher moral value than griping about the news from a street corner.
Again . . .
TKC ascribes waving the Mexican flag as cultural expression more than any political alignment with the Mexican government that has been teetering toward collapse for the better part of 30 years.
However . . .
We'll stipulate an apt point from our conservative friends. NOBODY waving those Mexican flags on Kansas City streets wants to go back or even visit Mexico outside of the lush resorts that are mostly jam packed with lonely, fat, and wonderfully kind middle-class white ladies.
And all of this gets even more interesting when we noticed what looks like a KCPD officer indulging the crowd and partaking in a bit of Mexican flag waving on Kansas City streets . . . Take a look:
Now, was this local officer advocating for a Mexican takeover of downtown??? Nope. He was having a bit of fun with some dumb kids or some might call it "improving community relations" and helping to move the crowd along and out of the street peacefully.
Nevertheless . . .
We're obliged to share both sides of this argument and offer a glimpse into the mindset of those who condone or even support the harmless but still controversial act of Mexican flag waving amid protest . . .
"Those who defend the flags have always argued they’re a way for ordinary folks to express anger and passion while plugging into el movimiento on their terms. The flag wavers are the bold ones, the ones a good team offense needs. The public opinion battle might be lost in the short term, goes such logic, but these folks will push the immigration debate toward better places . . .
"Waving a foreign flag at protests is good trouble — a sign for the brave to rally together and stand tall against a commander in chief who understands nothing but chaos."
Again . . .
TKC, stuck deep in the heart of the MAGA Midwest doesn't agree with this strategy because it doesn't show any empathy for our conservative friends who are compassionate but still very proud & patriotic Americans who bristle at foreign flags waved as a means of political expression. Again, our objections are mostly because Mexican flag waving in the face of people who might be willing to listen to reasonable debate is short-sighted and easily dismissed . . . Whereas Latinos claiming the American flag as their own and demanding all of the rights that the Constitution guarantees TO ALL PEOPLE is a much more powerful statement.
More importantly . . .
Just like the caption contest . . . We'll pin our favorite comment at the end of the day for return visitors.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
LA Times: Why waving the Mexican flag at immigration rallies isn’t wrong
You decide . . .
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