One Year Without Work: Kansas City Woman Searches For Office Job In Vain

For better and worse . . .

Local white collar jobs are in short supply and workers are being forced to lower their expectations and submit to a great deal of gig work.

Here's one story of a lady's rough search for a gig that requires nice clothes and not a uniform . . .

She's sent more than 500 applications, spent countless hours on LinkedIn and dodged one scam job offer, she told USA TODAY. Companies have ghosted her, turned her down for jobs she says she’s overqualified for and sent boilerplate rejections for roles that pay a fraction of her previous salary.

After more than a year of rejection, she said her confidence has taken a hit.  

“I've never seen anything like this,” said Robinett, 55 and based outside of Kansas City. “I just want to work.”

Read more via link . . .

Workers say it's a 'tough' time to find jobs with hiring rates below prepandemic levels

Layoffs and unemployment rates are low, but job seekers across the country are struggling to find work as companies pull back on hiring.
