Olathe Lady Allegedly Spends STOLEN QUARTER MILLION BUCKS On Handbags

A peek at the luxury legacy of hottie Paris along with an expense account that blew up so badly that it made the local news . . . Posted if only to remind us ourselves to watch bills closely given ongoing harsh times . . . Check-it . . .

"Accused of using a company debit card to purchase 150 luxury handbags from a social commerce marketplace for online buying and selling of secondhand goods.

"In total, she spent more than $250,000 on the handbags.

"According to the indictment, she also used the company debit card for unauthorized personal expenses like meals, entertainment and hotel accommodations, along with sending money to other people."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Olathe woman indicted for spending $260,000 on handbags with company debit card

An Olathe woman was indicted for wire fraud after a federal grand jury indicted her for using her former employer's company debit card.
