Mass Layoff Hits Kansas City: Ford & GM Strategy Closes Jack Cooper

Call this the first major consequence of the EV age . . . Tonight we share news that's more important than the Super Bowl as the American economy takes another hit.

Check-it . . .

"Officials said General Motors informed them that it would pull all business. All proposals on the table were also rejected. Certain services ended as soon as Saturday, however, the company remains ready and willing to negotiate.

"Given the loss of Ford’s revenue and now GM’s unilateral decision, Jack Cooper said the only option was to ask employees not to return to work unless contacted by management. A handful of employees will be asked to remain on staff for the next several weeks to ensure operations wind down smoothly."

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'Devastating and unexpected': 400+ let go as GM ends business with Jack Cooper

Nearly 100 years in business will soon end as Jack Cooper has let more than 400 employees in the Kansas City metro know that they no longer have jobs.
