This note is perfect for Friday night and offers an apt conclusion for our Friday night.
For those who don't know . . . Kevin Kietzman is a Kansas City broadcaster with decades of experience, a slew of connections and an impressive record of garnering audiences from across the metro and the nation. Put simply, there's a reason he's KC's top conservative broadcaster.
And in his latest update . . . He shares an important perspective that could alter the history of the local metro . . . And for perspective . . . Even Missouri leaders are saying that time is running out.
Check-it . . .
KK: "After we reported Chiefs President Mark Donovan is sold on Kansas for a new stadium for the Chiefs and a Super Bowl for KC, officials scrambled in Missouri. Need more proof Kansas is close to luring the teams? Listen to Stillwell Representative Sean Tarwater confirm on the record in an appropriations committee meeting that the state is very close to closing the deals."
Take a listen to his entire podcast update via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
KKHI Special: KS Committee Member Confirms Chiefs and Royals Moves are Near
Developing . . .
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