Kansas Conservatives Struggle To Justify Threat Of MAGA La Migra School Raids

Actually . . . We notice a lot of support for raids EVERYWHERE via social media and our TKC comments section.

However . . .

It's EASY to demand crackdowns against youngsters from the shadows or through a burner account. Putting YOUR name on it is a much more perilous proposition.  Conservatives understand truism this and that's why NOBODY who wants to be reelected or have a successful professional life advocates for rounding up youngsters. 

Instead . . .

The effort here is to spin the situation but even that's a struggle . . . In a recent Kansas conservative blog post we noticed more than a bit of hesitation . . . The posts from this outlet are typically bold, packed with information and make a clear and concise point.

However . . .

When attempting to talk about deporting students . . . They wait until nearly the last paragraph of their post to offer a weak argument, deflect and deny that is now White House policy . . . Here's the word . . .

"School board members must understand that FERPA was created to facilitate better communication with parents, not keep information about their children away from them."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Sentinal: Is KSDE response to schools on expansion of ICE investigations fear-mongering?

Developing . . .
