Kansas City Star Fact Checks Latest MAGA La Migra Raid: Was It Legal?!?

Yes it was . . .

However . . . Dead-tree media proves helpful to any undocumented reader with a subscription.

Here's a quickie guide to dodging the man . . . 

While it’s common for HSI or ICE to alert local law enforcement if a raid is happening or if they need assistance, it’s not required by law or enforcement guidelines for them to do so.

Agents can enter public spaces and open businesses like El Potro, but they need either a warrant or consent from someone at the business to enter private areas not typically accessible to the public — like a manager’s office — according to the National Immigration Law Center.

Questions remain if the federal agents had a warrant to detain the employees and take documents from the restaurant, if anyone was charged with federal crimes, and where the 12 people are being held.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

ICE did not notify local law enforcement before detaining Liberty restaurant workers

Local law enforcement officials confirmed that they didn't get a heads up before ICE detained 12 people at El Potro. Can the agency do that?
