Kansas City Radio Talker Nikki Vivas Escapes Downtown Carjacking

For us . . . The scariest part of this story is that it sounds like the suspect was a kid with a gun roaming around downtown looking to rob people and probably not understanding the consequences of his actions and/or without anybody to teach him any better.

Here's the word . . .

"Nikki Vivas said that around 8 p.m. Friday near 16th and Grand, with lots of people around, she left a nearby establishment to re-park her car to avoid it getting towed.

"After re-parking her car, she said a masked boy told her to give him the keys.

"When Vivas refused, she said the boy stuck a gun in her side.

"She said she screamed, and the boy fled."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

KMBC: Kansas City radio host Nikki Vivas speaks out after attempted carjacking at gunpoint

Developing . . .
