Kansas City Backyard Chickens Breeding Next Bird Flu Pandemic?!?

Hopefully not.

Sadly . . .

The Internets has turned everybody's drunk uncle into an epidemiologist. So we might never know.  

The only thing for certain is that poultry is just one of many things running amok in this town.

Check-it . . . 

"In Kansas City, Mo., there is no mandatory reporting for backyard chickens, only a 15 total chicken limit, and roosters within backyard boundary limitations."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Bird flu education priority as metro communities push for urban chicken ordinances

Consumers continue to be impacted by the high cost of eggs. According to the USDA Agriculture Marketing Service, the average wholesale price for a dozen eggs in Midwestern states is $8.09.
