Kansas City Activists Demand Votes For School Cash Over New Jail

A worthwhile report we wanted to pick up for those who haven't seen it yet . . .

Here's a glimpse at urban core activism attempting to flex and dominate the forthcoming low turnout municipal vote:

"Residents will be voting on a sales tax to support the new facility in April. DecarcerateKC rallied at Ilus Davis Park Friday afternoon.

"While they brought up the jail issue, another issue they brought up is the April 8 bond vote Kansas City Public Schools (KCPS) will be asking its residents for. Residents there haven’t passed a bond in nearly six decades. The city jail and KCPS bond vote will be on the same ballot."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

KCMO Jail, KCPS School Bond on the same April ballot

Residents will be voting on a sales tax to support the new facility in April. DecarcerateKC rallied at Ilus Davis Park Friday afternoon.
