Former Guv Jay Nixon Hopes To Fight Youth Crime In Kansas City & STL

Actually . . .

It's nice that he still cares about the topic. 

However . . . The disaster in Ferguson, MO cost him his career and he managed to get back on his feet. TKC thinks he would have made a much better Democratic Party candidate than the former Veep but I'm alone on that one.

Meanwhile . . .

Here's a few nice sentiments from that the last statewide official who not only didn't cower in fear from the GOP super majority BUT ALSO rejected some of the more laughable ideas from his own party . . . 

Check-it . . .

"The former governor said he’d like to see the state convene a commission of the smartest people working on juvenile crime and recidivism issues come together to discuss ways to improve the system, with an eye toward getting kids on the right path before it’s too late. He doesn’t buy the idea that falling crime rates in the city mean all is well."

Read more via link . . .

Jay Nixon has an idea for tackling crime in St. Louis and Kansas City

The former Missouri governor doesn't see state control moving the needle-but thinks attention to the juvenile court system could.
